Buckminster Fuller Institute (BFI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization comprised of a diverse group of individuals committed
to a sustainable future. Founded in 1983 and inspired by the Design
Science principles pioneered by the late Buckminster Fuller, BFI has
served as an information resource to students, educators, authors,
designers and concerned citizens working to advance humanitys
options for success.
The Institute's mission is to be a catalyst for awareness and action
directed towards the realization of humanity's option for success.
BFI intends to fulfill its' mission by providing:
1. dramatic
graphic display tools, global progress indicators, and educational
resources which foster vital understanding of evolutionary developments
impacting the success of humanity on board Spaceship Earth.
2. programs
and services which build synergy between individuals, projects and
organizations in order to accelerate the development and application
of solutions to crucial global problems.
Global Energy Network Institute
Two decades ago, both the United Nations and Buckminster
Fuller determined that a sufficient supply of electricity provides
the foundation for a decent standard of living. By tapping the planet's
abundant renewable energy, the needs of all humanity could be met
in an environmentally sustainable fashion. The technology exists
today, and it is cost competitive.
a non-profit educational organization which seeks to accelerate
the attainment of optimal, ecologically sustainable energy solutions.
Check out the GENI
website for more information.
Geodesics has erected a 26' diameter, 18' high Dome in the lobby
of the Project Artaud Theater. Come and see this amazing structure
and ponder your own
Dome Home.
more than 30 years, Timberline
has been dedicated to designing Timberline Geodesic Dome packages
that make it easy, practical and affordable for people to construct
their own homes. They are a leading manufacturer and designer of
geodesic domes used for housing and commercial applications. Based
in Berkeley, CA since 1969, Timberline had domes built in all fifty
states and many foreign countries. They can be reached at 1-800-DOME-HOME
(1-800-366-3466) or check out their site and explore how you can
build your very own Dome Home.

is Back! at the Project Artaud Theatre
To find out more visit the Project
Artaud web site.

George Hotel
Mason @ Geary
San Francisco, CA 94102
Reservations: (800) 288-6005
Ph: (415) 781-5050 ~ Fax: (415) 391-6976

it from the top"