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Social Director
Project Artaud Theater, San Francisco

Just click on the type of experience you want with your Foghouse show and you'll have a great time.

Trust me, I'm just here to help, and if you have any other suggestion. Just let me know, by talking back below. Thanks, and enjoy the show.

Dinner Package Let us plan a wonderful evening for you. Good food and a great show.

Dinner-and-a-Show A big night out. Time for a nice dinner first.

Eat and Run You want dinner before the show, but you have only one hour.

Matinee Brunch Where to eat before the weekend matinee.

Drive Thru You have exactly 15 extra minutes, you are starving, & not picky.

Cocktail Time A nice quiet place for a drink before or after the show.

Coffee & Dessert A quiet place, where you can talk about the show.

Talk Back to the Social Director. Please feel free to let the Social Director know what you think of her suggestions and recommendations. Tell her about any that aren't mentioned but should be.


"take it from the top"